Saturday, July 21, 2012

10 MINUTE ABS: 10 Crunch-Free Moves inspired by Pilates & Kickboxing!

I've never loved crunches and never did more than 10 at a time until I got into my university dance classes. In these classes, we had an hour of pilates, yoga, and other conditioning exercises before an hour of dance M-F. That summer was the most fit I've ever been, and the most capable of doing awesome stunts in modern dance! From this experience I have learned that a strong core means that you have more freedom and will-power to do things, even outside of dance.

 I found a circuit on Pinterest that is great for anyone's abs! This will burn, tone and even build some strength. :) It only takes a few minutes, but if you are reading through it for the first time then it might take a bit longer. I read through the exercises and walked myself through the movements before I really went for it. Then, I timed myself once I felt more comfortable with the exercises (with the guidance of the pictures) and I came in at 9 min. 35 sec.... And oh heavens...I'm feeling the burn! I started out comfortably warm, and now I'm melting from the sweat that these simple, non-crunch moves built up! 

Totally awesome, quick and I will definitely be incorporating this into my warm-ups!! Something helpful is that whenever you are contracting our abs you should exhale, pulling the belly button back to the spine to encourage flat abs, and engage the internal abdominals. :)

My favorites include:
  • Cross Knee Strike-the first step in the circuit, and I'm already sweating!
  • Front Knee Strike
  • Front Kick Tabletop-pictured above
  • Cross Punch Roll-up
  • Back Kick Plank
  • Side Kick Plank
Least Favorites:
  • Bob and Weave-Because it is difficult to find a comfortable speed/groove for this.
  • Abs Jabs-Just because I'm not a kickboxer.

Here is the link to the slides:

Happy Training! à bientôt!

*image from the link above

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