Sunday, August 12, 2012

YOGAWORKS, BODY SLIM: Sculpt Lean Muscle, Increase Energy, Burn Fat

This is a great DVD for feeling the burn while doing yoga! The instructor speaks more like an aerobics instructor (which I know some people like better than the relaxing voice), and she pushes your strength!

The only thing that bugged me was her time management, I felt like she could talk less or demonstrate while talking a little more. I just played the DVD at 2x speed for those parts until we started moving. However, if you are not familiar with the poses then you might find what she is saying helpful.

She uses a pattern of slow movement, then fast movement at the top of the mat, then moves to the middle of the mat for hip opener poses. I love the burn that I feel during this workout, and I'm already sore! I'm feeling the soreness in my shoulders and obliques, so this is a great one for your core and your arms. :)

If you are interested in purchasing this DVD see the link below:

Happy Training! à bientôt!

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